Tulelake, the untold story... Chapter Four
I am a winner, not a loser CHAPTER FOUR Moving on... People know the truth, and I don't have to keep explaining to people what happened in Tulelake. Except for the book I am finally writing about now. That was my plan when I moved to Ocean View, Hawaii after I gave everything away that I cherished and collected for years. All gone now. I was going to spend the time that I am now finally getting the truth out about Tulelake, CA. And a group of people who seem to think they run the place along with the fake Tulelake Police Chief, Tony Ross. For all the things he has done to people someone is going to give him his just reward. And it is going to happen right after he retires. When he no longer has a badge on which he hides behind and thinks he is a judge, jury, and law. Where actually he thinks he is above the law and no one, including Tony Ross, is above the law. His day is coming and he did it to himself for the wrongs he caused against others. It is called Karma, and tha...