"Up from here" written by James C. Garland

Up from here

Up from here


James C. Garland


“Life is what happens to you.
While you're busy making other plans.”
John Lennon

Things happen, while we are busy making other plans. We have earthquakes happen, while we are making other plans. We happen to lose our jobs and become homeless, while we are busy making other plans. We lose loved ones as they pass away, while we are busy making other plans.

Have you ever known anyone who was in an earthquake or someone who lost their job and became homeless or lost a loved one in your life? I am sure we all have met someone or known someone who has been in an earthquake, lost his or her job, been homeless or lost a loved one at some time in his or her life.

When I decided to write this book I wanted to share what happened in my life. My idea was to write about my life experiences in such a way that it would help others who end up where I have been in the past. In the process, it is my hope that you will be provided with information I did not have when I began my journey of “life is what happens to you. While you’re busy making other plans.”

Where Caregivers themselves have been diagnosed with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It often co-occurs (is comorbid with) bipolar disorder (manic depression) which runs in families through their genes. Dealing with episodes that I recall happening before and after being diagnosed with a mental health condition named bi-polar manic/depressive. On top of that have an added responsibility caring for an elderly parent, all at the same time.

Our parents gave us life and in return, we give them our life when they need us the most, the same way we needed them the most when they first gave us life.

Learning how to help a parent cope with Alzheimer’s, a form of Dementia. How to deal with caregiving for a senior parent, an elderly relative, or other loved one where it becomes a full-time job requiring constant attention. Locating necessary caregiver resources or creating opportunities to solve problems full-time caregivers deal with constantly on a daily basis. Understanding a need for an occasional break of respite care to help restore a sense of balance and well-being for all parties concerned, the caregiver and the person receiving the caregiving.

Being able to help others who may be going through the same or similar situations. From caregiver to Mental Health situations that evolved throughout a lifetime in order to help others understand and cope with the ills of having someone they love with Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Bipolar Disorder. Highs and lows, while living on the edge between being normal and abnormal with euphoria where you feel you can do anything, but somewhere things change, at the same time caring for an elderly parent in the process.

This book is a sample of Hypomania Episodes to share with others that hopefully will help them to deal with family or friends who are caregivers to a parent or loved one with Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Where the caregiver has mental health disorders in their own lives presently or in the past to deal with all at the same time while being a full-time caregiver to an elderly relative themselves.

Being born with bipolar disease and having Hypomania Episodes through-out a persons life where you feel you can do anything but somewhere along the way, things change.

Losing jobs, friends, and family due to a disease gets real old after a while. When flying high with euphoria where you live on the edge, between normal and abnormal.

Take a journey with me now through the experiences that I encountered along the way where,

“Life is what happens to you.
While you're busy making other plans.”
John Lennon

Rambling Rose

As I stare at a blank page waiting for the right inspiration from above to guide me in the direction that HE wants me to go and ask the question why would Jesus want me to be a writer? I am nobody special, nobody, that anyone would want to read what I have written.

Who would want to read what I write and why would they? What could be so important for me to write about that others have not read about before? What could I possibly write that would be of interest to anyone, but me?

The only thing that comes to mind is this wonderful person I once knew. She had a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone at anytime no matter what the circumstance or situation before her. She loved life even when it was hard and most difficult and most important of all, she loved Jesus.

The passing of this great woman has been very hard on me. I cannot seem to let the love I have for her go. She is always with me and always will be till I am no more. I miss her so very much. Why must we suffer, why must anyone suffer in this life?

I love you, Mom.

Your son,

James C. Garland

Go to Table of Contents of "Up from here"


  1. Is very positive and interested:

    i love this vibe very well:Our parents gave us life and in return, we give them our life when they need us the most, the same way we needed them the most when they first gave us life.

    thank you for sharing your experience for us to benefits.GOD bless you and keep on and dont give up,focus and work hard on your dreams James C.Garland

    1. Thank you for your comment. I have been real busy lately and it has taken me a while to get back to this blog and my book.

  2. https://tulelakenews.wordpress.com/2023/12/30/first-chapter-in-the-beginning/?fbclid=IwAR2ZF9bAO8BChbvBOeVKj1WqCjO-dGEllL4CvMW-iST4S1T2FaYu0hxAvCk


      First chapter-In the beginning

  3. BOOK TWO- "UP FROM HERE". WRITTEN BY JAMES C. GARLAND https://tulelakenews.wordpress.com/

  4. First chapter-In the beginning https://tulelakenews.wordpress.com/2023/12/30/first-chapter-in-the-beginning/


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