Looking back at history that cannot be changed

Alturas, CA— "On September 17, 1938: Two deer hunters met death in Modoc County. Mrs. Barbara Thompson (O'Malley) of Malin, OR was fatally shot near Higrade, New Pine Creek.

She had gone hunting with her husband, Lester Thompson and a friend John Stewart, also of Malin, OR. Officials said Stewart mistook Mrs. Barbara Irene Thompson (O'Malley) for a deer and fired the fatal shot. Her body was taken to Klamath Falls, OR. Authorities attributed the other casualty, W.O. Vincent of Santa Rosa, to a heart attack."

Eighty years to the day the granddaughter of John Stewart, of Malin, OR made contact with me, the grandson of Barbara Irene O'Malley (Thompson) of Malin, OR. The son of Edith Kathryn Garland (Donaldson) buried in Eternal Hills, OR. Seven miles from Barbara Irene O'Malley who is buried at Mt. Laki Cemetery, Klamath Falls, OR, next to James and Kathryn Thompson, the parents of Lester Thompson the husband at the time to Barbara Irene O'Malley who divorced John Donaldson when Edith Kathryn Garland (Donaldson) was nine years old. Edith Kathryn Garland (Donaldson) was 14 years old and her brother Richard (Dick) Donaldson was only 11 years old at the time of the tragic death of their mother Barbara Irene O'Malley on September 17, 1938.

I was contacted by the granddaughter of John Stewart, who it was claimed made the fatal shot that killed Barbara Irene O'Malley (Thompson) on September 17, 1938. She had come across an article I wrote Tulelake, the untold story... Chapter Two and saw a picture of my grandmothers' marker on her grave site at Mt. Laki Cemetery, Klamath Falls, OR.

Which after texting I gave the granddaughter of John Stewart, of Malin, OR a link from a chapter out of my book called "Up from here" Chapter 13: Mom’s Life for her to read and check out about the history I knew at the time of my grandmothers' tragic death on September 17, 1938.

My Mom spent her teen years going to High School as the class of 1943 in the Malin, Oregon and Tulelake, California of Northern California and Southern Oregon. Where my Mom’s brother Dick later retired and moved with his wife Jean to Madras, Oregon with their four children and my cousins Barbs, Cathy, Mickey and Patrick Donaldson.

My Moms mother was killed in 1938 in a deer hunting accident on Timber Mountain in Alturas, California in the Modoc National Forest when my Mom was 14 years old and her brother Dick was 11 years old. My Mom’s last wish was to find her mothers’ grave site and put a marker on it before she passed away. The one thing my Mom wanted the most in this life was a mother, the one thing she could not have that my brothers and sisters took for granted, along with their children.

The deer hunting accident happened near Timber Mountain and my grandmother was taken to the CC camp where she passed away on September 19, 1938. Edith Kathryn Garland (Donaldson) and Dick Donaldson were living with their stepfather Les Thompson in Malin, Oregon when the accident occurred. Edith Kathryn Garland (Donaldson) attended her high school class reunions whenever possible located in Malin, Oregon. Edith Kathryn Garland (Donaldson) was very good friends with Loral Kenyon of the Malin Lost River High School and Tulelake High School from 1938 to 1943 a large farmer of potato’s.

The newspaper article I posted above says she died on September 19, 1938. The article the granddaughter shared with me says on September 17, 1938. In my article it says James Steward, in hers it says, John Steward. I started this article with what it says in hers. In hers, it says, "Her body was taken to Klamath Falls, OR." In mine, it says, "The deer hunting accident happened near Timber Mountain and my grandmother was taken to the CC camp where she passed away on September 19, 1938."

John or James Steward's granddaughter is obsessed with trying to prove her grandfather did not kill my grandmother and that it was Les Thompson or Lester Thompson paid her grandfather to kill my grandmother in 1938.

To the left is a picture of my Mom standing in front of Lester Thompson's gravesite and marker at the end of the row where my grandmother is buried in Mt. Laki Cemetery in Klamath Falls, OR.

The granddaughter called me and we spoke for about an hour and a half on the phone. Then, she started texting me with information she wanted me to know or think about. Starting first as to what was in the newspaper article she had of that time. Then she shared with me the phone number for the Mt. Laki caretaker's phone number, (541) 281-9132. And mentioned they would share with me the cemetery records. Which they already did when I ordered the marker for my grandmother and had it placed on her gravesite in 2003.

And when we lived in Newell, CA first, then Tulelake, CA and finally Alturas, CA. Every time we went shopping in Klamath Falls, OR. We would go before or after shopping and stop by Mt. Laki Cemetery so my Mom could see her mother's marker I bought to put on my grandmothers' gravesite as my mothers' last wish fulfilled. Where there had been none before I ordered and had it placed there.

The first comment by the granddaughter was, "I'm so thankful that I found you! Hopefully-Barbara can rest in peace. She was wearing white. She's walking in the light! You are not alone! Their energy is with you! Pay attention to everything around you."

And then I said, "Yeah I just went off of what my mom could tell me at the time from what she could remember."

She then said, "I'll dig and see what I can find."

"I am glad we connected too. We both can get answers we didn't know before."

"Yes! Hopefully, these souls can rest in peace! .. Create through your words!... Create your dream reality! .."

"I talked for a few minutes to the cemetery for a copy of the death certificate she will get back with me, I gave her my name and number."

"Oh great! Who was your mom's real father?"

"John Donaldson, why?"

"I was just curious. You mentioned she got divorced. Do you know how long Barbara was married to Donaldson? Did you ever get to meet him?"

"No and yes when I was 9 years old and 17 years old. He lived in Seattle, WA. He was a freight engineer for the Northern Pacific. He took me inside the diesel engine when I was 9 years old and explained how hot the engine was.

My Mom and Uncle and his Wife are listed in the Malin 86 Mustangs reunion that year, which I have a copy of that issue that my mom had in her stuff."

"Oh neat!"

Cross talk, about where or what she read and where she saw the picture of my grandmothers' marker and what chapters she read. And my grandmother's age difference from 34, or 35 years old by the year of her birth I put on the marker as 1904, instead of 1903. And the differences between the newspaper articles with the names, how many shots, and where my grandmother died. Not important.

"Your grandma's spirit probably transferred to the wolf-dog that you were given. Wolves are very spiritual. I don't trust them though- lol."

"I've been seeing a lot of wolves the last two weeks. That explains it..."

"It states that your grandmother was the 1st- yet in the article that I sent you- (Never sent it to me), It says the 3rd death. ?."

He fired 2 shots and didn't know what he was shooting. That wasn't in his character. He was a good hunter...

Cross talk.

Their deaths brought the number of casualties to "three" for the season. Who was the 1st?...

Cross talk.

She says, "Aham Brahmasmi: "I am not this body. I am spirit soul. "...

Cross talk.

"I [see] 22. Not sure what it means-yet. (She was reading "Up from here" Chapter 13: Mom’s Life )

I may have spelled it wrong at the time and her age. I had my hands full 24 hours a day 7 days a week taking care of an elderly parent with dementia and neither cemeteries caught it at the time either, it happens.

Cross talk.

"Rhea Silvia is linked to the world- so is Anita." (She was reading the chapter on Anita Silva's Last Days on the blog.)

"Really Interesting. Who is Rhea Silvia?" I asked.

"It's ok- as long as you know the truth. Your mom and gma are in the light. They're fine. You have a clear conscience- you'll go to the light..."

Rhea Silva had the twins Romulus and Remus. A wolf raised them.

She then posted pictures of my Mom out of my book called "Up from here" Chapter 13: Mom’s Life below.

"Your Mom's wearing white. She's in the light.

"Laws of attraction: white is attracted to the light-"

"Ah, IC. That is good when do I go to the light? I am 64 now?"

"You'll go when you're ready-"

"You still have work to do- here."

"Well doctor today said I am very healthy for my age of 64 so I guess it will be a while :)"

"Yep! Get busy writing! You are the creator of your reality!... lol"

"Your mom died 222."

Well like I told you I have lots of stories I have written for others to read and many more to write still to leave behind before I go to the light.

"Yep 222 whatever that means 5 days before her 83rd Birthday on February 27, 2007."

"222 means that you are on the right path and to keep moving forward with what you are doing."

"The angels are trying to communicate with you."

"Maybe that's where I come in- lol..."

"Looking back at history that cannot be changed (Part Two)"


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