Looking back at history that cannot be changed (Part Two)

Alturas, CA— "On September 17, 1938: Two deer hunters met death in Modoc County. Mrs. Barbara Thompson (O'Malley) of Malin, OR was fatally shot near Higrade, New Pine Creek.

She had gone hunting with her husband, Lester Thompson and a friend John Stewart, also of Malin, OR. Officials said Stewart mistook Mrs. Barbara Irene Thompson (O'Malley) for a deer and fired the fatal shot. Her body was taken to Klamath Falls, OR. Authorities attributed the other casualty, W.O. Vincent of Santa Rosa, to a heart attack."

To Continue:

"Oh neat!"

Where or what story did you read where you saw the picture of my Grandmothers' marker?

In the Tulelake blog you have posted.

Chapt 13?

I didn't notice until now she was 35, I always thought she was 34 when I ordered the marker I had her year of birth as 1934.

When you send me an email I will send you a copy of the story I have from the Modoc Record micro fish copy dated September 22, 1938. It states my grandmother was the first 1938 deer hunting fatality. And she was taken to the Lava Beds CCC camp for medical attention at 10:30 AM. It was a white sweater. It says James Stewart about 25 and fired two shots. She was put in a pickup truck. The copy I have is hard to read. It is a scanned copy I did years ago. I have the one I scanned somewhere in my files.

tulelaketimesnews.blogspot chapter two.

"Your grandma's spirit probably transferred to the wolf-dog that you were given. Wolves are very spiritual. I don't trust them though- lol."

"I've been seeing a lot of wolves in the last two weeks. That explains it..."

"It states that your grandmother was the 1st- yet in the article that I sent you- (Never sent it to me), It says the 3rd death. ?."

He fired 2 shots and didn't know what he was shooting. That wasn't in his character. He was a good hunter...

Cross talk.

Their deaths brought the number of casualties to "three" for the season. Who was the 1st?...

In Chapt 12 Alturas is a picture of my dog Feisty, that is what I named her.


I found it. Ok, I'm reading it now.

Cross talk.

She says, "Aham Brahmasmi: "I am not this body. I am spirit soul. "...

Ok. I'm reading...


My article stated that she died on 9-17. Yours says 9-19. ? O'Mally is spelled O'Malley on her headstone.?. I'm still reading- lol...

"I [see] 22. Not sure what it means-yet. (She was reading "Up from here" Chapter 13: Mom’s Life )

I know.

I may have spelled it wrong at the time and her age. I had my hands full 24 hours a day 7 days a week taking care of an elderly parent with dementia and neither cemeteries caught it at the time either, it happens.

"Rhea Silvia is linked to the world- so is Anita." (She was reading the chapter on Anita Silva's Last Days on the blog.)

"Really Interesting. Who is Rhea Silvia?" I asked.

"It's ok- as long as you know the truth. Your mom and gma are in the light. They're fine. You have a clear conscience- you'll go to the light..."

Rhea Silva had the twins Romulus and Remus. A wolf raised them.

She then posted pictures of my Mom out of my book called "Up from here" Chapter 13: Mom’s Life below.

"Your Mom's wearing white. She's in the light.

"Laws of attraction: white is attracted to the light-"

"Ah, IC. That is good when do I go to the light? I am 64 now?"

"You'll go when you're ready-"

"You still have work to do- here."

"Well doctor today said I am very healthy for my age of 64 so I guess it will be a while :)"

"Yep! Get busy writing! You are the creator of your reality!... lol"

"Your mom died 222."

Well like I told you I have lots of stories I have written for others to read and many more to write still to leave behind before I go to the light.

"Yep 222 whatever that means 5 days before her 83rd Birthday on February 27, 2007."

"222 means that you are on the right path and to keep moving forward with what you are doing."

"The angels are trying to communicate with you."

"Maybe that's where I come in- lol..."

I could share something else about who spoke to me when I was 9 years old. Take one guess. I heard his voice and what he told me I was going to do but the time is not right and I'm just 64. So I don't know how much longer it is going to be until the time is right for what He has planned for me before I was born. Go figure...

Have not heard it again since I was nine.

He told me what I am supposed to do but I have not done it yet but it is getting closer by the day, week, month, year and yeah maybe that is why it was time for you to connect to me thru the angels and our families connections.

I don't know! But maybe"

9 means completion. You're just about finished with your journey!

Cross talk.

Your grandmother Barabra Eurine O'Malley: Born 9-10-1903 in Ramsey, Minnesota to Katherine and Thomas Joseph O'Malley. I found that on ancestry.com

My mom always mentioned her middle name as Irene spelled differently but sounds about right I guess.

You should see if you can find Edith Kathern Donalson in St. Paul, MN and see what you find?

She was born in Ramsey, MN. I found her.

Born 2-27-1924 Edith Kathryn Donaldson.

Wow she always said she was born in St. Paul, does it show who her mother and father are?

Mother: O'Malley: Father: Donaldson.

My article says, John Stewart. Your article says, James Stewart. Could you please check that?

Cross talk.

Ok. That's odd! I think James Rosco Stewart was John's dad. I wonder if he was involved?

Cross talk.

John R Stwart was born in 1914. So that fits. I'm not sure why they put James. ?.

Cross talk.

Now why didn't your grandmother want to be buried next to your grandfather again?

Cross talk.

I guess Irene should have been spelled Eurine... But I am not changing it now. But on my Mom's marker I need to change it to say, mother and son, otherwise, people who look at it now think I was her husband 30 years apart in age at Eternal Hills.

At least I spelled O'Malley correctly.

I wouldn't change the headstone. Do you notice the spiritual energy in the last picture that you sent?... I'll try and find out as much info as I can. She was murdered- but why. ?. And who did it. ?. 2 shots tells me she was murdered- not an accident. Maybe we should give the information to the police and have them do forensic's on her. ?. To find out how close the gunshots were. ?.

I was just looking at my Mom's birth certificate and my grandmother middle name is spelled Irene and she was 20 years old. Which means she was born in 1903 but oh well. And my grandfather was 19 at the time. And it says St. Paul, MN. Anker Hospital.

Yeah I know about that picture that is why I sent it to you. Can you imagine the first time I saw it and what I was thinking about my grandmother's spirit coming through?

Too much time has gone by for something like that after all they are all dead so what does it matter now? And who is going to pay for it, me, you, I don't think so...

The state would pay for it. They could use it as a learning tool. I'll dig some more- and find out what I can...

Her body is dead. Her energy cannot be destroyed. I need to make sure she's happy...

I was reading a paper my Mom wrote for one of her college classes.

In the paper she wrote she mentioned Les turned her over to the state of Oregon till she was 18 in foster care.

Good luck with that as a learning tool and who is going to give the authority to do it. The lady I talked to yesterday said I would need permission for the executor of my grandmother's estate to get a copy of the death certificate from Mt. Laki if it was in their files and that is when she said she would call me back or I could check with the state cemetery board the same place I got a copy of my records for my mom and my plot and marker.

Cross talk.

Picture of the Angel I was telling you about yesterday.

True. The 1938 City Directory has my grandfather as James E. Stewart instead of John. Very odd!...

Yep indeed odd.

Here is a picture of my Mom's brother when he was 14 he says in a letter he wrote to her in 1984.

Just got a callback. Mt Laki no records there.

Cross talk.

Well my uncle my mom's brother was three years younger. Richard (Dick) Donaldson.

Cross talk.

Wow you are finding some interesting history. BTW, Loyal Kenyon, something like that was my mom's boyfriend at the time in 1938, they were big ranchers at the time, maybe there is a connection there too.

Cross talk.

We have to go back in the past!

Paul Petrasek is the name of the old farmer that told my mom that John Stewart didn't kill Barbara.

Is he still alive or does your mom know or not?

Does he know what happened and who did it and why?

I'm not sure if he's still alive. ? I found him in the 1938 city directory. My mom doesn't know anything else.

Don't know what to tell you, except keep at it I guess.

Cross talk.

She was shot twice. It was murder. We just have to try and prove it.

Cross talk.

From the article I have a copy of, "he had startled a deer and fired two shots at it. He was rapidly pursuing the animal when he lost sight of it as it disappeared over a rise., he thought he saw the deer ahead and fired the bullet striking Mrs. Thompson in the abdomen."

I find it hard to believe that he shot her twice- thinking she was a deer. He knew how to hunt and how to shoot...

He was a farmer. He knew how to shoot.

Did you read what I wrote he fired twice and missed, then in one shot after he got sight again missed and shot my grandmother. I am on your side, and my mom thought he didn't do it either and that Les did but in a court of law that is not admissible. Sorry.

My Mom thought Les did it too, but that is not proof.

Sorry but people do miss and I don't care who it is, your grandfather or not. It happens and your opinion and my mothers' and mine means nothing without evidence or facts. Period.

They ruled it a tragic accident and not manslaughter end of story.

I know. I get in a hurry. I'll figure it all out. Was your family Mormon. ?

But you keep at it and if you find something let me know.

I'll figure it out. Was Barbra Mormon?

I don't know but I thought my uncle might have been because of his wife that they both met each other in grade school. He was in the third grade and she was in the first grade and fell in love and married later when they got older. Otherwise, they were Catholics and her side came from the Chech Republic. as they were Checavilkians.

Met each other as children then got married as adults.

That's all I know.

Ok. How old was your mom when her parents got divorced. ?. I'm trying to understand (who) Barbara was- an "if" she was murdered- Why. ?. Why did my grandfather shoot himself in the head ?. I think he had a guilty conscience...

A lot of evil is surrounding this situation...

My mom was 9 years old according to the paper I read last night. That would make it about 1933. And yeah as my Aunt Jene said, "He drank himself to death and then killed himself over the guilt of accidently killing my grandmother in a deer hunting accident after that or did he continue to keep deer hunting?

He kept hunting. He shot a huge elk. It was hanging in the Bonanza bar for many years. My aunt has it in her house.

If it were a true accident- I don't think he'd shoot himself. He had 3 kids and grandkids...

"Looking back at history that cannot be changed (Part Three)"


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