"Looking back at history that cannot be changed (Part Three)"

Alturas, CA— "On September 17, 1938: Two deer hunters met death in Modoc County. Mrs. Barbara Thompson (O'Malley) of Malin, OR was fatally shot near Higrade, New Pine Creek.

She had gone hunting with her husband, Lester Thompson and a friend John Stewart, also of Malin, OR. Officials said Stewart mistook Mrs. Barbara Irene Thompson (O'Malley) for a deer and fired the fatal shot. Her body was taken to Klamath Falls, OR. Authorities attributed the other casualty, W.O. Vincent of Santa Rosa, to a heart attack."

To Continue:

Ok. How old was your mom when her parents got divorced. ?. I'm trying to understand (who) Barbara was- an "if" she was murdered- Why. ?. Why did my grandfather shoot himself in the head ?. I think he had a guilty conscience...

A lot of evil is surrounding this situation...

My mom was 9 years old according to the paper I read last night. That would make it about 1933. And yeah as my Aunt Jene said, "He drank himself to death and then killed himself over the guilt of accidently killing my grandmother in a deer hunting accident after that or did he continue to keep deer hunting?

He kept hunting. He shot a huge elk. It was hanging in the Bonanza bar for many years. My aunt has it in her house.

If it were a true accident- I don't think he'd shoot himself. He had 3 kids and grandkids...

Well, there may have been another reason he drank so much and then killed himself. It may not have had anything to do with the accidental deer hunting accident of killing my grandmother by accident.

I think it was karma-

Things repeat themselves

Karma for what? It was an accident.

He shot someone-and he got shot.

His focus was to kill.

There is no karma consequences for accidents that I am aware of happening.

I don't think it was it was an accident.

To kill a deer maybe but kill a person by accident I don't think so, that is not how karma works from what I know about karma, ask your Mom and see what she thinks?

I think he did it for Les. I'm not sure why?

My Mom doesn't think he shot her.

He admitted that he did it. He mistook her for a deer. Maybe a teenager would mistake a woman for a deer. Not a man with hunting experience.

I don't know what to tell you, but keep at it if it will make you feel better. Too bad you can't reach or contact your grandfather's soul and ask him what happened? Then you would know for sure what happened and then you could move on, but that is not possible to do that. So, I don't know what to tell you, except keep investigating, see what turns up.

I'm feeling she was murdered. Too much evil energy-

It takes time. I'll figure it out.

Feelings are not proof, they are just feelings and we all have those.


We all think that he didn't shoot her but those are feelings and not proof he didn't or did it.

Lester was a Marine. He also knew how to shoot.

Yeah, now prove it. It is only circumstantial and proof Les did it but you also claim your grandfather was a great shooter as well. So who did it and covered up for whom?

Lester was much older than John Stewart- 14 years older.

I'll work on it.

So, sorry that doesn't mean anything, it is not proof, just circumstantial.

I am not trying to stop you, I am just giving you legal feed back of how it would be in a court of law to prove motive and guilt without a shadow of doubt. Keep trying I am on your side.

Try and get a report stating how many bullets went in her- and how far away the shots were. That's what we need- to start. The coroner's report.

There is a lot of inconsistencies in articles-

Keep at it, is all I can say. The truth always surfaces is all I can say...

True. I'll work on it.


Lester was in World War 1 and 2. He was trained to shoot humans as animals. WW1 1914-1918.

Both men knew how to shoot.

That doesn't prove anything. It is just circumstantial.

Lester had more experience. Lester was older than John.


Still doesn't anything it is not proof.

Does not mean anything, sorry.

I'll watch for signs. It'll come to me.

You keep it up I am here for feedback.

You mention that Les was shooting his gun- too. Were they both shooting at the same time?

I was told it was like an old western shoot out. That Les almost fired back at your grandfather because he was in front of my grandmother when the bullet flew by him and hit my grandmother in the stomach but he never fired a shot.

So- that tells me that Les and Barbara were visible to John.

It was a brass bullet.

I just seen that. I seen the Marine.


It may take a while for it to all come together. I'll visit her grave-

Ok you do that.

What you should try and figure out is why my grandmother did not have a marker on her grave until I paid for it and had it put on her grave in 2003. Nobody did from my grandmother's side, the Thompson's only paid to have her buried, but no marker and Les did not want to be buried there with her, but from information I got from the caregivers of Mt Laki there was not enough room. Besides the fact that they burry all the vets on the end of each row. But your grandfather or your family did not offer to pay for it either since as you claimed your grandfather felt guilty. Well if he felt so guilty why didn't he pay for her marker instead of me for my Mom's last wish to find her mother's grave and put a marker on it like I did for both my grandmother and my Mom. I didn't know my grandmother but your family and your grandfather did. Just something to ponder more...

None of them from any side put a marker on her grave until I did. My side had the excuse they couldn't afford it or there were other things that came first and someday they would do it, but none of them ever, why? My side never did it. Why? And never did the Thompson's except for the plot they already had, and the casket she was buried in, why? Maybe you should ask your Mom that question she might or might not know for the same reasons.

Good Questions!

Who paid for her burial?

I think she was pregnant. That's why she was shot in the stomach.

Go back and reread what I said above, everything but the marker.

Lester paid John.

Again your feelings are getting the best of you. You don't know that as a fact, you are just guessing.

Or making a wild guess or assumption.

I {see} things that others don't. Money was involved.

And you know that how about Les paying YOUR grandfather?

I am sorry I have had enough. Prove it or tell someone else what you see or feel.

Why didn't Les want to be buried next to her? A "normal" husband would want to be buried next to his wife. I think the war messed him up. He learned to kill.

You are just guessing and when you have proof, other than your feelings be sure and let me know. You are nobody special that ONLY you know what happened. ONLY in your mind.

You are ONLY making guesses. I can do that too. Anyone can.

Sorry, I tried to help you. I'll figure it out on my own. I'm feeling too much negative from you. I wish you the best! Take Care.

Release your negative energy it'll destroy you.

I am done with your nonsense, I didn't ask for help. You came to me, remember and I gave you a chance but you have told me nothing I didn't already know.

No, you seek some professional mental help, you must be off your meds.

I was trying to figure out what happened- because I have the abilities to see "zombies". My grandfather is not at rest! Like I said- best wishes!!


If someone died in your apartment- you probably shouldn't be there! Bye!

Give it a rest and take your meds. Zombies. LOL!

Open your eyes! You'll see them.

Take your meds and leave me alone as I am just fine, you, not so sure.


You wear wolf shirts. The wolf is deceptive. Find the light!

I keep seeing the {marker]. The Marker on Barbara's grave is wrong. 1903 = 13. The marker by John's grave has a 6 and 7 = 13. My mom fell by the marker and hit her head to bleed. The marker on Barbara's grave needs to be corrected.

The number 13 is symbolic of rebellion and lawlessness Nimrod, the mighty hunter who was "before the Lord" (meaning he was trying to take the place of God- Genesis 10:9, was the 13th in Ham's line (Ham was one of Noah's three sons who survived the flood). Thirteen represents all the governments by men, and inspired by Satan, in outright rebellion against the Eternal. The dragon, a symbol for Satin, is found 13 times in Revelation. Satin is behind all rebellion against God. The thirteenth characteristic is that they are haters of God (Romans 1:28-32)

I will call Mt. Laki and find out how to get the marker corrected.

Your grandmother wants her marker changed to 1903. She was born September 1o, 1903. I gave you the message.

She was shot September 17th. Today is September 19th. She was shot 80 years ago.

Your grandmother was born in September. I found her marker in September. It needs to be corrected.

I tell you what needs to be corrected if you don't stop sending me texts I am calling the police and have you arrested for harassment or a mental health heck up. Get over it your grandfather killed my grandmother by accident and that is what the records show. One more text or phone call and I am calling the police. End of story. Get a reality check as you are off your meds.

You are evil. Find God!

Last warning or you are going to be arrested.

And that was it. Not just from her but with two friends that we are no longer friends because I stopped watching their dog and house sitting when they went on vacations or hunting trips and because I do not want to go to their church and because I don't support Trump.

Such is life.

Some people need to do some real SOUL searching and it is not me.

When people burn bridges, it is forever and there is no return. As they say, "You make your bed, now you can sleep in it."

Take Care!

James C. Garland

Related link: Looking back at history that cannot be changed. (Part One)


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