Lucky Man

Lucky Man

By James C. Garland

Looking out over the hills in the distance and wondering what things will be like that the King is dead now? How can a child be expected to rule where his father left off? It keeps running through my mind. What and where will all of this lead to?

Only moments ago the King took his last breath as his son and daughter were by his side. At least they were there when he needed them most. I have been honored over the years to be the Captain of his army. Knowing he bestowed that honor on me in the year of the Lion. The year of the Lion when we were a peaceful kingdom and had no enemies. But all that has changed now with the greediness of the neighbors from the North.

The Invaders who take what they want and leave nothing but destruction in their evil path and leaving death behind where ever they go. And now they are heading this way according to the message that was sent from a friend in the kingdom beyond a week ago. We have been warned at least to their arrival, which will be short as the days pass. We need to prepare but with the king's death and sorrow that is all around us. It will be a difficult task to be ready in time with his passing now before us.

He needs to be honored, but how with all the turmoil heading our way coming from the hills in the distance? I must think! I must act! And soon!

(A voice can be heard in the distance from the hallway)

Aide Willams: Sir, it is time.

Captian Ramsey: I know, thanks. I will be right there in a moment...

Aide Williams: Ok, sir. They will be waiting.

Captian Ramsey: (Takes a deep breath) I know!

I remember Prince Jeramia being just a baby when his mother died during childbirth. That was a sad day too. His mother at birth, and now his father at age 10. A lot for a child to have to endure in one lifetime I'd say. And now a child is expected to take over as a king. The prince who just barely began his childhood and now is expected to take over for his father with no training or knowledge as to what is to come or in front of him. Death on the horizon. Not only the death of his father but the death that is hours away from these very moments in time. God, help us all.

Aide Willams: Sir.

Captain Ramsey: I'm coming...

As I enter the courtyard, where there are many people surrounding the young king. As the preparations are being made to crown the young prince king to take over in the passing king's footsteps.

So young is all I keep thinking. But he will make a fine king and I will help him to get there. I will stand beside him all the way like I did his father before him.

After the crowning there will not be much time to celebrate the young prince's crowning. Any more than there will be time to mourn the passing of a king, as the danger lies ahead of us in the distance and awaits us from the North.

We need to make plans for what is about to be upon us, and soon. Sooner than any time may allow for us to do it before we are attacked from the North.

(The Captian went off to locate the princess C'est la vie as she was missing among the crowd)

It was the dawning in ancient time, the light has just begun to shine, the birds could be heard singing the morning song. Stars were starting to fade away. As the moon then disappeared over the mountain peaks and hills. You could see the rays of the sun climbing its way into the clouds of the morning lite sky. In the distance, you could see the chariots and men in suits of armor waving their banners of war.

This was a war in these times that no man had ever seen before. Falling into ranks one by one with the sounds of trumpets giving their war calls. The shouts of orders being commended and called down to the ranks. In the valley of the Lord's Den, where the green grass was abundant, and clear waters ran free, this was very fertile land.

This war had come about because the Kneeshians of the North were selfishly moving their way into the Lord's Den. Destroying everything in their paths and rebuilding their own in the wake of it.

So it came to pass finally on this morning a war was to be fought. So as the chariots were being readied and aligned with flags and banners that were waving and reaching for the sky. All that needed now was for the final command to be given. But that would have to wait as Captian Ramsey and the new boy king, King Jerimia were in the Flaming tower discussing their strategy of the Lord's Den and this is where it all begins...

To be continued...


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