"Up from here" Chapter 21: Cyber stalkers

Redding, California – On September 21, 2009, James Garland was banned from the Redding Record Searchlight Newspaper of Redding, California.

What cowards do while hiding behind phony usernames.

Instead of banning the poster with multiple usernames RS bans the poster that has been stalked, harassed, libeled, slandered and intimidated by other posters for over nine months over an opinion and point of view.

We are all equal and have the same right to post opinions. Just because we do not always agree with those opinions, does not make one opinion superior over another’s. Nowhere does it say in the RS user agreement that one has to be qualified in order to post opinions.

After all the is America and as Americans that qualifies everyone the right to FREE SPEECH, and nowhere in the US Constitution does it say people have to be qualified to have an opinion or qualified to post opinions on a local newspapers comment board using the anonymous username(s).

A local Redding Business owner is the leader of posters who have multiple usernames accounts for no other purpose in mind but MALICIOUS intentions to try and defame me.

This is discrimination and needs to be stopped and the parties responsible need to be held accountable in a court of law. I have the right to free speech and not be harassed, stalked, libeled, slandered and intimidated for an opinion or a point of view and so do YOU.

Freedom of Speech!

What is the point in having freedom of speech, when it can be taken away? When a businesswoman has more power and influence over the comment section in a local newspaper than the editor does.

Because the businessperson in the community buys ad space from the very same newspaper that has a comment section where comments are made about news stories written by the newspapers' reporters. Money does talk as they say and is the root of all evil.

When a businessperson is allowed to stalk, harass, libel, slander and intimidate another poster over an opinion and a point of view of the right to a fair trial. The businesswoman having multiple usernames and accounts with no other purpose in mind, but MALICIOUS intentions to try and defame and post information about another poster, out of hate and loathing for the poster, as if the poster is the one that committed the crime of killing an innocent homeless man.

“The Internet offers new opportunities for stalking, hence the term cyberstalking. The cyberstalker can, from the safety of his or her home, or the anonymity of an office environment, trace, track and find out personal details of the target, including details of the target's family.”

If anyone wanted to find out anything about the personal life of this poster, all they would have had to do is a web search. Instead the posters personal information was searched and posted falsely, and misrepresented by the use of multiple user names to try and stalk, harass, libel, slander and intimidate the poster. The same way a thug, animal or gang member would use to try and harass their victims.

The poster was their target to try and control his opinions and point of view, through their stalking, harassing, libeling, slandering and intimidating of the poster, (the same way cyberbullies do to their victims or prey when they do not like what they say or do.)

Where the poster was accused of “Guilt by Association”, and falsely accused by this businesswoman and her gang of ruthless supporters, for standing up for these teens to have a right to get a fair trail, not one by vigilantes or vigilante justice.

The poster did not know the homeless man Tim Alcorn, nor did he know the three teens Albert Curtis Sanchez, Jared Cory Voss or John Hadley Thompson who are being accused of this crime.

The poster stated he did not condone what they did. This is the United States of America where people are given the chance to prove their innocence by due process of the laws and judged by a jury of their peers when tried as adults.

We are a civilized country, not a country that approves of or condones vigilante justice. The poster was saddened and sickened by the senseless act and killing of Tim Alcorn and the loss felt by his family and friends as anyone else; but the poster feels we are all entitled to our day in court, “guilty” or “innocent” in this Country. Cases are not tried according to public pressure or community demand. They are tried according to the rule law. We may not like those laws or how they are applied.

No one has the right to stalk, harass, libel, slander and intimidate another person over his or her opinion or point of view. A private citizen's reputation and privacy interests tend to outweigh free speech considerations and deserve greater protection from the courts and a newspaper is responsible for upholding those same rights.

Most states provide for a demand for a printed retraction of defamation and only allow a lawsuit if there is no such admission of error.

From the very first post he made standing up for the rule of law against vigilante justice, his name and reputation have been drug through the mud and to the cleaners by these thugs, animals, and vigilantes who claim they are proud law-abiding citizens in Redding, California.

If anything they have shown they are just the opposite and guilty as charged as being cyber stalkers as Internet bullies who stalk, harass, libel, slander and intimidate another poster over an opinion and point of view in the comment section on a local newspaper.

While standing up and defending his self against stalking, harassment, libel, slander and intimidation his comments were removed and theirs were allowed to stay and left intact after requesting that they be removed, instead he was denied his freedom of speech from making any further comments by being banned over others defaming him.

There is something definitely wrong with this picture where the person being stalked, harassed, libeled, slandered and intimidated against is the one that is banned and the stalkers are allowed to stay and continue to stalk, harass and intimidate others the way they have done to this poster over an opinion and point of view.

How many more posters are they going to be allowed to stalk, harass, libel, slander and intimidate when they do not agree with their opinions and point of view? How many usernames are they going to be allowed to have the same ISP address with no other purpose but MALICIOUS intentions against posters?

A business owner in Redding can be proud to know is a cyber stalker and an Internet bully who owns a business that does not accept food stamps and has a night auditor for the second shift? She also has a brother that has ADHD and talks about him online without his permission too. She also has a daughter that is a senior at Enterprise High School who is a member of one of the sports teams. And her daughter’s best friend’s name is Amber, the sister of a 14-year-old boy Frankie that was hit by a car and is still in the hospital in the Bay Area. A car also hit his best friend James on Halloween night.

How would anyone know if a person has a clean record with the exception of some traffic violations? Unless they worked in the Court House basement or have access others do not have to their files.

It has been suggested that if this poster does not like what happens they can start their own newspaper. They have also been told that the constitution does not guarantee freedom of speech on a newspaper comment section online. They have been told they know nothing about constitutional law.

They have been called every name in the book because of their opinion and point of view for standing up for the very Constitution that others say they do not have a right to do. They do not have the right to speak out about the rights of the accused of fear by those that the accused will not get what they have coming to them. Regardless what the law says on how they will be prosecuted and given their day in court to face the consequences of their actions as to their guilt or innocence.

Why bother with having laws if they are going to be ignored by the majority that feel they have the right to say how they want the sentences carried out before the accused even step foot in a court of law and are given their day in court. When they make statements to the effect they hope they will get called for jury duty so they can make sure they are all found guilty without first even hearing the evidence that will be presented by the prosecution?

These are the same type of people who have no problem taking posters personal information that they find on the Internet and twisting the facts to suit their way of thinking; because they are perfect and have never made an error or mistake in their life. Instead of letting other posters search for that information on their own, they take it upon themselves to do it, because they are so righteous and nobody is as perfect, as they are in life.

What they do not realize in the little world they live in, they do not have that right (even though they think they do) to stalk, harass, libel, slander and intimidate others who they feel do not agree with their opinion on how the world works in their mind. Stalking, harassing, libeling, slandering and intimidating another person are against the law.

If they did to a person what they have done online, they could be charged with breaking the law by the very law-abiding person, who sees no problem with breaking the law behind multiple usernames and accounts. Yet, this person sees nothing wrong with their actions, as they feel it is within in their right to stalk, harass, libel, slander and intimidate anyone they feel disagrees with their opinion and point of view. Because they are above the law and it is everyone else who are the criminals that break the law, not them, they are perfect and would never do anything that would be considered against the law. After all, they are the judge, jury, and executor of every one, but themselves, as the cowards they are, hiding behind anonymous multiple usernames and accounts.

They would not dare let anyone know who they really are as others might think differently of them if they knew who they really were in real life, and if they knew that they stalked, harassed, libeled, slandered and intimidated other people online. While giving the impression they are perfect without any flaws or imperfections as that would give others reason to believe they are not as perfect or law-abiding as they have led others to believe they are in real life.

These same usernames that pray for the good health and well being of others. All the while claiming they are good Christians and would never wish harm to anyone if their life depended on it. Yeah, Right! Hypocrites.

It makes you wonder just how many people are involved in this? Well, if they all did the crime, then they all deserve to be prosecuted and charged, even if it is by association. They all knew what they were doing; now they will have to pay the price for their crime. Such is life in Redding, California where people think they can get away with any crime they choose too. They think because they are business owners, along with their children, their relatives, and their friends that they can get away with it, because of whom they are in the community of Redding, California.

There are a group of posters on the Record Searchlight who one minute praying for people to get well and even create a guestbook all in the name of Jesus. These people who hide behind anonymous usernames referring to themselves as good upstanding Christians in the Community of Redding, California.

Whatever you do not cross them; if you do they will show you exactly what kind of Christians they are not. They do web searches to find out if you have websites, myspace, Facebook accounts or anything you have posted on the Internet to use against you. While hiding behind anonymous usernames as cowards are known to do.

Everything they do, they do it with MALICIOUS intentions when other posters do not agree with them and the gang of Christian thugs who think they are above the law because they post their comments anonymously. All the while claiming what upstanding Christians they are in the community.

Anonymous usernames Redding, California can be proud to know are living in their community as Christian thugs. All from the Record Searchlight Newspaper Comment Section who change their usernames daily. Depending on their moods for the day or the night of who their next target will be in their sights.

Cyber stalkers

Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk someone.

It has been defined as the use of information and communications technology, particularly the Internet, by an individual or group of individuals, to harass another individual, group of individuals, or organization. The behavior includes false accusations, monitoring, the transmission of threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sexual purposes, and gathering information for harassment purposes. The harassment must be such that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress.

When identifying cyberstalking "in the field," and particularly when considering whether to report it to any kind of legal authority, the following features or combination of features can be considered to characterize a true stalking situation: malice, premeditation, repetition, distress, obsession, vendetta, no legitimate purpose, personally directed, disregarded warnings to stop, harassment, and threats.

The first U.S. cyberstalking law went into effect in 1999 in California. Other states include a prohibition against cyberstalking in their harassment or stalking legislation. In Florida, HB 479 was introduced in 2003 to ban cyberstalking. This was signed into law in October 2003.

While some conduct involving annoying or menacing behavior might fall short of illegal stalking, such behavior may be a prelude to stalking and violence and should be treated seriously.

Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk someone.

However, when they start altering a picture and making mocking myspace accounts in your name. Then it is time to be concerned. If they will do that to a picture of the subject what is stopping them from taking it to the next violent step.

I have a stalker(s) they keep stalking me every time I post a comment. I am not famous but my real name can easily be found. All anyone has to do is on a search under my username and they can find all of the websites I have built and my domain that has links to websites that belong to me as well.

I am not famous but it is getting really old. I have complained numerous times about it to the Record Searchlight and they still allow this business owner to keep stalking me. Allowing this so-called upstanding businessperson to keep making personal comments directed towards my personal life.

I have felt there is a person on the inside that keeps deleting my comments and banning my username. They have several usernames that they have used to mock and to try and harass and intimidate me. They follow me in every thread that I post in and start posting the same things over and over by twisting the truth about me and trying to get others to believe their nonsense.

This so-called businessperson if I make a simple spelling error, typo or do not say something they like they attack my comments by picking out all the errors. There is no edit function so mistakes cannot be edited or corrected. Once the post is posted that is it.

I have warned them that there are laws about cyberstalking, harassment, libel and slander to no avail. The publisher is very well aware of the situation and just does not want to get involved. The local Chief of Police where I live suggested I send an email to the newspaper requesting they investigate. That has not worked either. I have not updated my real address due to their stalking me.

They want me to go where I used to live by posting that cities name of my last known address. If it is who I think it might be they will soon I hope to be charged with cyberstalking, harassment, libel, and slander. And even conspiracy if the inside person that works for the newspaper is the one removing my comments and banning me because of the past association to the stalkers.

I am at a loss and I am not going to run off by bullies. I have a right to my opinions and point of view.

"Keep in mind that control freaks are not trying to hurt you – they’re trying to protect themselves. Remind yourself that their behavior toward you isn’t personal; the compulsion was there before they met you, and it will be their forever unless they get help. Understand that they are skilled manipulators, artful and intimidating, rehearsed debaters and excellent at distorting reality.

These people are angry and afraid to let go of you. Hence, it is your job to let go of them, protect yourself in the process… and grow.

Bottom Line: In the process of being controlling, their actions say, “You’re incompetent” and “I can’t trust you.” (this is why you hate them). Remember, the essential need of a control freak is to defend against anxiety. Although it may not be apparent to you when they are making their demands, these individuals are attempting to cope with fairly substantial levels of their own anxiety. The control freak is usually fighting off a deep-seated sense of their own helplessness and impotence. By becoming proficient at trying to control other people, they are warding off their own fear of being out of control and helpless. Controlling is an anxiety management tool.

Repetition Compulsion

Control freaks are also caught in the grip of a repetition compulsion. They repeat the same pattern again and again in their attempt to master their anxiety and cope with the trauma they feel. Characteristically, the repetition compulsion takes on a life of its own. Rather than feel calmer and therefore have a diminished need to be controlling, their behavior locks them into the same pattern in an insatiable way. Successes at controlling do not register on their internal scoreboard. They have to fight off the same threat again and again with increasing rigidity and intransigence.

Most all of you have had to contend with control freaks. These are those people who insist on having their way in all interactions with you. They wish to set the agenda and decide what it is you will do and when you will do it. You know who they are – they have a driving need to run the show and call the shots. Lurking within the fabric of the conversation is the clear threat that if you do not accede to their needs and demands, they will be unhappy.

Certainly, it’s natural to want to be in control of your life. But when you have to be in control of the people around you as well, when you literally can’t rest until you get your way … you have a personality disorder. While it’s not a diagnostic category found in the DSM IV (the therapist’s bible for diagnostic purposes) an exaggerated emphasis on control is part of a cluster of behaviors that can be labeled as compulsive generally characterized by perfectionism, orderliness, workaholic tendencies, an inability to make commitments or to trust others and a fear of having their flaws exposed. Deep down, these people are terrified of being vulnerable. They believe they can protect themselves by staying in control of every aspect of their lives, including their relationships. Control freaks take the need and urge to control to new heights, causing others stress so they can maintain a sense of order. These people are riddled with anxiety, fear, insecurity, and anger. They’re very critical of themselves their lover and their friends, but underneath that perfect outfit and great body is a mountain of unhappiness. Let’s look at what makes control freaks tick, what makes you want to explode, and some ways to deal with them.

The Psychological Dynamics That Fuel a Control Freak

"The need to control is almost always fueled by anxiety – though control freaks seldom recognize their fears. At work, they may worry about failure. In relationships, they may worry about not having their needs met. To keep this anxiety from overwhelming them, they try to control the people or things around them. They have a hard time with negotiation and compromise and they can’t stand imperfection. Needless to say, they are difficult to live with, work with and/or socialize with."

Dealing With Control Freaks

The serial bully: is a convincing, practiced liar and when called to account, will make up anything spontaneously to fit their needs at that moment has a Jekyll and Hyde nature - is vile, vicious and vindictive in private, but innocent and charming in front of witnesses; no-one can (or wants to) believe this individual has a vindictive nature - only the current target of the serial bully's aggression sees both sides; whilst the Jekyll side is described as "charming" and convincing enough to deceive personnel, management and a tribunal, the Hyde side is frequently described as "evil"; Hyde is the real person, Jekyll is an act relies on mimicry, repetition, and regurgitation to convince others that he or she is both a "normal" human being and a tough dynamic manager, as in extolling the virtues of the latest management fads and pouring forth the accompanying jargon is self-opinionated and displays arrogance, audacity, a superior sense of entitlement and sense of invulnerability and untouchability displays a compulsive need to criticise whilst simultaneously refusing to value, praise and acknowledge others, their achievements, or their existence undermines and destroys anyone who the bully perceives to be an adversary, a potential threat, or who can see through the bully's mask is also quick to belittle, undermine, denigrate and discredit anyone who calls, attempts to call, or might call the bully to account often has an overwhelming, unhealthy and narcissistic attention-seeking need to portray themselves as a wonderful, kind, caring and compassionate person, in contrast to their behaviour and treatment of others; the bully sees nothing wrong with their behavior and chooses to remain oblivious to the discrepancy between how they like to be seen and how they are seen by others is constantly imposing on others a false reality made up of distortion and fabrication. We all have the right to respectfully disagree without being attacked or belittled for our opinions or points of view.

No one has the right to try and control people, even on the Internet. As long as you know what the truth is that is all that matters. They can keep posting untruths about me until the cows come home. They are wasting their time because nobody believes any of it in the little fantasy world they live in.

I lived it and know what the truth is and when people try and imagine what other people think or would have thought my mother would have thought, did not know my Mother very well or about what my Mother would have thought about them and their shameful ways. There is an old saying, “some people’s children”.

If you notice the only people who agree with anything they have to say are the multiple Sybil usernames.

It will not be long and someone is going to step forward and reveal his or her true identities for all of Redding to see just who they really are in real life.

Karma has a way of catching up sooner or later, but it does catch up when we least expect it too. You also reap what you sow.

Separation of church and state

The separation of church and state is a legal and political principle derived from the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . ." The phrase "separation of church and state", which does not appear in the Constitution itself, is generally traced to an 1802 letter by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists, where Jefferson spoke of the combined effect of the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. It has since been quoted in several opinions handed down by the United States Supreme Court.

Bill of Rights

The first amendment to the US Constitution states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" The two parts, known as the "establishment clause" and the "free exercise clause" respectively, form the textual basis for the Supreme Court's interpretations of the "separation of church and state" doctrine.

End of Book One

“Up from here”, End of Book One, Epilog and References


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