"UP FROM HERE" Chapter 1: Roseanne Barr RW

The end of one chapter and the beginning and moving on to the next...

So many things have happened since the day my Mom passed away. It is hard to recall all the turmoil and having my whole world turned up side down and every way, but loose. It was a closing of one chapter in my life, but also the end of a chapter in my Mom’s life.

As I start to tell this story about chapters in my Mom’s life and mine I want to share what I have learned so that others do not end up making the mistakes I did. I am not perfect and I am the last person in the world to claim that I am. There are others in this life that think they are perfect and everything they do is perfect and it is everyone else who are the flawed ones.

When I was taking care of my Mom for the last days of her life when we lived in Alturas, California in a double-wide Mobile Home in a residential area in the city limits. I would spend a great deal of time on the internet and at a place called Roseanne World, yes Roseanne Barr. The same Roseanne Barr from the sitcom in the late 80’s and early 90’s. I begin this chapter with a post I had made after the passing of my Mom as I was reaching out to the only people who cared if I lived or died.

The last time I posted on RW I was living in Bella Vista, California about 8 miles east of Redding, California. I was dealing with an unbearable situation where I was living in a one-room cottage with a refrigerator and microwave. Where the shower and toilet were located outside the little cottage in another small outbuilding. The only good thing was I had a wireless Internet connection, which at the time was my only contact with the outside world. The world of depression I was living in at the time. Without the support of many of you here on RW and Roseanne Barr herself, I do not think I would have made it through to the point I am at now.

I tried to hang myself. Where I found a rope in the covered shed outside the little cottage’s back door area I had cleaned up a few days earlier. I slung the rope over the bathroom shower beam at the foot of the tub located in the small outbuilding. By beginning the process one does when trying to hang themselves. I put the noose over my head and around my neck but somehow I lost my balance and fell backward into the tub, bringing down everything around me on the shelves next to the tub. It was as if God was saying, “No, you are not going to do this today”. There was such a supernatural force in the bathroom as I fell backward and grabbed onto anything I could to help break my fall. God did not want me to kill myself and God let me know that day by not allowing it to happen to me.

I realized immediately right after the failed suicide attempt that I should seek mental help, for my suicidal thoughts. I did just that; I left a note where I was going and to please take care of my dog Feisty until I got back.

I left immediately and drove my minivan to the Emergency Room at Mercy Medical Center in Redding, California and checked myself in. I was going for what is called a code “5151” without being arrested, where after several hours of sitting on a gurney in the emergency room waiting to be seen by a doctor. Where I was treated with respect and not looked down on for making an attempt to commit suicide. The emergency room doctor ordered me to be driven over to the mental health hospital for an evaluation overnight, as that is how it was done in Redding, California after hours of waiting in the emergency room where they observed you and you were not allowed to leave after you were admitted.

I was able to leave at anytime after a 7 or 8-hour hold at the hospital where they drove me to the mental health facility. Where I was given several options:

1. I could commit myself for a 72-hour lockdown with no way to get out.

2. Another option or choice was that I could stay for a 24-hour observation but could not leave either.

3. Final option or choice was where I could stay or go, as there was no hold. It was my choice to make if I felt I was not going to harm others or myself.

Since I was given the option to leave or stay. I made the choice to stay and sleep until seen by a staff psychologist.

When the next day arrived after sleeping and getting some rest with a clean set of clothes where they washed them for me. I was ready to get on with my life once again. I did not feel a need to stay around to be seen by anyone.

Recognizing the Warning Signs of Suicide

“If you or someone you love has clinical depression, it's important to recognize the warning signs of suicide. Suicide prevention is highly possible. And there are signs to look for that say someone may be contemplating a suicide attempt.

The best way to prevent suicide with clinical depression is to know the risk factors for suicide and to recognize the warning signs of suicide. Take these signs seriously. Know how to respond to them. It could save someone's life.

Are there risk factors for suicide?

Risk factors for thoughts of suicide can vary with age, gender, and ethnic group. And risk factors often occur in combinations.

Over 90% of people who die by suicide have clinical depression or another diagnosable mental disorder. Many times, people who die by suicide have a substance abuse problem. Often they have that problem in combination with other mental disorders.

Adverse or traumatic life events in combination with other risk factors, such as clinical depression, may lead to suicide. But suicide and suicidal behavior are never normal responses to stress.

Other risk factors for suicide include:

One or more prior suicide attempts
Family history of mental disorder or substance abuse
Family history of suicide
Family violence
Physical or sexual abuse
Keeping firearms in the home
Exposure to the suicidal behavior of others
Are there warning signs of suicide?

Warning signs that someone may be thinking about or planning to commit suicide include: Always talking or thinking about death. Clinical depression -- deep sadness, loss of interest, trouble sleeping and eating -- that gets worse. Having a "death wish," tempting fate by taking risks that could lead to death such as driving fast or running red lights. Losing interest in things one used to care about.

Making comments about being hopeless, helpless, or worthless. Putting affairs in order, tying up loose ends, changing a will. Saying things like "it would be better if I wasn't here" or "I want out". Sudden, unexpected switch from being very sad to being very calm or appearing to be happy. Talking about suicide or killing one's self. Visiting or calling people to say goodbye. Be especially concerned if a person is exhibiting any of these warning signs and has attempted suicide in the past.

According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, between 20% and 50% of people who commit suicide have had a previous attempt.”

WebMD Medical Reference Recognizing the Warning Signs of Suicide from WebMD

That was then and this is now as I make this post on Roseanne World, while living in the Park Villa Estates in Redding, California.

Today, while I was taking a long walk on the famous Sundial Bridge in Redding, California with my dog Feisty. Where I am discovering walking trails that I never knew were there or existed before. I have lived in this area of Redding, California off and on since 1985.

While taking a walk with my dog I was thinking this would be as good as any to get back to one of the things I love to do and that is to write. Since, I am now in the manic state I am getting as much writing done as possible.

I detest Redding, California as I have been here since 1985 off and on and this is where all of my family lives, the ones that loathe me. And since I have been here I have not run across any of them. Thank god. They may have seen me but I have not seen them and that is strange for Redding, California not to have run across any of them.

“One reason I love this forum is because it's filled with people who get it.”

Yes, it is and some people come here, stay awhile and then return. RW can be addictive, once you have been here and experienced the friendships that a person can make and build by sharing about them selves and find support, where you cannot find it else where, than right here among friends on RW.

Hypomania and Mania in Bipolar Disorder

“Bipolar mania, hypomania, and depression are symptoms of bipolar disorder. The dramatic mood swings of bipolar disorder do not follow a set pattern. Depression does not always follow mania. A person may experience the same mood state several times -- for weeks, months, even years at a time -- before suddenly having the opposite mood. Also, the severity of mood phases can differ from person to person.

Hypomania is a less severe form of mania. Hypomania is a mood that many don't perceive as a problem. It actually may feel pretty good. You have a greater sense of well-being and productivity. However, for someone with bipolar disorder, hypomania can evolve into mania -- or can switch into serious depression.

The experience of these manic stages has been described this way:

Hypomania: At first when I'm high, it's tremendous ... ideas are fast ... like shooting stars you follow until brighter ones appear... . All shyness disappears, the right words and gestures are suddenly there ... uninteresting people, things become intensely interesting. Sensuality is pervasive, the desire to seduce and be seduced is irresistible. Your marrow is infused with unbelievable feelings of ease, power, well-being, omnipotence, euphoria ... you can do anything ... but somewhere this changes.

Mania: The fast ideas start coming too fast and there are far too many ... overwhelming confusion replaces clarity ... you stop keeping up with it … memory goes. Infectious humor ceases to amuse. Your friends become frightened ... everything is now against the grain ... you are irritable, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and trapped.”

WebMD Medical Reference Hypomania and Mania in Bipolar Disorder from WebMD

“Today was one of those down days. Really down days”

I know how that is when things are looking up, I also know when things are at their darkest and there have been many here on RW that have been with me in my darkest times and when I have been flying high as they say. I am not going to let the bumps in the road get the best of me this time and end up back in that dungeon.

My life has been like a roller coaster. One minute I am flying high and enjoying the ride, then the next the ride is over and I have to get back in line and wait until it’s my turn again to experience the trill of the ride once more. It’s a never-ending battle or story...

Roseanne Barr: “It’s a unified field of consciousness, where everything knows everything else. God and Jesus are just some of the names we give it.”

Above is comment made by Roseanne Barr from Roseanne Barr Forum known for short as RW.

Very enlighten advice! I remember very well and have not forgot the advice that Roseanne Barr gave me when she channeled with Jesus when I asked her, “What Jesus would say I should do with my life?” I still remember her advice and someday it may very well come to pass and come true.

I am wondering if Roseanne Barr still remembers the advice she gave me when I was here last? It's deep in the archives somewhere or the abyss. And no one with the status of Roseanne Barr can be expected to possibly remember everyone she has given advice to over the years and remember what that advice was entirely, nor ring a bell so to speak right off the top of her head. She would have to do the same thing I am going to do, go into the archives and see if I can find it myself word for word.

But I do believe it is possible that Roseanne Barr can in my opinion remember what the advice was without looking it up. I truly believe she can. In any case here is what I found and it is was originally written what Roseanne Barr said below:

rocks4me Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:01 am
Post subject: What does Jesus say?

Roseanne wrote:

Quote: “what question do you have for jesus? i will ask him and tell you what he says....”

How long do I have to keep suffering for His Will to be done in my life? I wait patiently on the Lord to guide me, but I have no idea where it is He wants me go. Me thinks it cannot be where I am at now. What does Jesus say?

James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

Roseanne Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:06 am
Post subject:

“rocks for me...this is a world of suffering and never will be any but. the buddhists say existence is suffering....at the end we die...however, jesus wants you to know that there is indeed a way to cope with and live in this world...that is by watering the well inside...miriam's well (it is in the galilee, and so many of his stories were about the galilee)..he was a writer of stories that stuck and still do after all these thousands of years...a great writer, that is what jesus wants you to become, and you will never be finished trying... and suffering is a part of that process, so get used to it, and cope using the meditations i have posted for you to try..if they dont work, then they are not for you, you are paying nothing for them, and so they are free...being free and suffering are the same thing in this world....”

Good or bad, only time will tell, as it is “Up from here” as they say...

Do you ever wish you could go back and do things differently in your life, compared to how they have turned out? I do. If you could go back, what would you do over? How would you do things differently, if you could, than what you ended up doing and how they turned out for you?

Myself I sit here thinking how much I love to write and how I wish my life could be much different, than it is. Don’t we all. It seems when I do write as some people make comments to the effect that from my point of view everything I write seems directed to it is all about me, from my point of view. Everything, I write comes through my eyes and that is how I see things and it seems I cannot do it any other way, as much as I love to write.

I have always wanted to write and love to do it. I just never thought I could be good enough at it to be of interest to anyone, other than to me. I write as a way to pass time in some cases, and at other times dreaming maybe I can write something interesting enough for others to want to read.

rocks4me Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:47 am
Post subject: Reactions

It is funny and sad all at the same time how people react when they discover I have written about them. Naturally my point of view is going to be different from their point of view. My facts and their facts about things that have happened in the past, present and the future may not be as they saw them, compared to how I saw how things went down. When I am writing about different events there is more than one source that I have gathered my information from. It is my point of view of how I experienced it, along with other people who have experienced, some of the things; I went through, with the very same people, with different or similar situations that happened to them, as the ones that happened to me.

They wonder to themselves how could I do this to them? Or what did they do to me for me to write such things about them. It is not so much what they have done to me, but rather they just happen to be part of the story I am trying to tell from my point of view of how things went and how I saw them at the time. I for one know how people see me is much different, than I see myself. Where do they feel that they are any different in that case?

Our reputations such as they are, are what makes us who we are and we can either keep doing the same things over and over again and not realize it until someone comes along and rattles our cages, (so to speak) to help us see the things about ourselves that we do not see due to what are called blind spots. Each of us no matter who we are or where ever we have been in life have different life experiences, even if we happen to be looking at the same event.

We see it though our eyes, yet we could be standing next to each other and not always see or hear the exact same thing as the person next to us. Just like when people witness an event or an accident that has just occurred in front of them at the same time. Their perspective of what has just happened or transpired and what may have happened in the past is similar, but not exactly, as they saw it or the other person saw it as it was when it happened. That is when they get upset, mad, angry or hurt because from their point of view is not how things went or how they happened from their point of view in their opinion.

When things like this happen, each person who feels they may have been wronged or the facts or un-truths do not match what that they claim happened and feel they are not quite right, have just as much a right to write things from their point of view to set the record straight, if that is what they want to do. In the mean time, I am going to write things as I perceived them from my point of view, in hopes, that I will not only learn more about myself, and, learn from it on how I see things. Others will hopefully see things from a different point of view where they were unable to before; due to the blind spot we each have, when it comes to seeing things that happen and be able to learn from it as well.

I happen to love to write, and at times I may not explain what happened in the best of light. Sometimes, I may not explain the situation or circumstance as others may have seen it but I do the best I can to capture the moment in time and space and bring it back to life from my point of view, in hopes that others can feel what I experienced from my point of view. Just like in life there are always two or more sides to a story sometimes three and in that case it is not any different from anything else when we tell our side and other people begin to tell their side of any given situation or circumstance that befalls us all in life.

Assumptions as to how things are from our point of view may not be as other people perceived them to be at the time. We all assume things to some extent that may not be as how things really are in, from their point of view. We are told by some people “to stop reading so much into things”. How can we do otherwise, when from our point of view people act and do things that we expect them to do or as we assumed they would. All the while, they say, “they do not do things that way” or “they are not going to do what we assumed they would”, but they end up doing exactly as we assumed they would, anyway. Where at the time they gave the impression otherwise, that they had no intention of doing exactly what we were told not to assume they would do. They end up doing exactly what we assumed or how they would react when we presented to them the things they did not want to accept, about themselves, that they do, when they say to themselves and others, that they do not do.

All of sudden they feel you are judging them for their actions and what gives you the right to do that to them? They become defensive and want to turn things around and blame it on you. It is your fault as to why things happened as they did. “They do not do things like that” or “that is not how it was”, or “you assume too much” or “you put way too much into what really happened”. “That’s not how it happened, you have your facts all wrong I do not do things like that; only you would do something like that, not me”.

All of us are guilty of the very things I am discussing here. I am not above of being accused of having other people judge me when they say they are not. Yet, I am the one that is judging them when I speak up and say what I am thinking. Sometimes, I catch myself before I say things that later I may regret saying but where does that make me any different than anyone else? Do I not also have the same right as they do to say, think and do things the same way they do? Why is it that what I have to say is so important, after all I am nobody special?

However, just maybe what I do say or how I think when presenting the situation may in fact have facts that we may have over looked or did not see it the same way I did at the time. Yet, it happened just the same, whether we want to believe it or not. Each of us may not see things exactly the same way but in the end when it is all put together we have a bigger picture on how things can get better or worse depending on the situation on how I see things and how they may see things as they were in the past, present and now in the future...

James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

Roseanne Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:47 am
Post subject:

“the fact is that you are always just writing about yourself, esp. when you are writing about your view of someone else. It's not really about them at all, but about how you see them. I know the hollywood folks get mad at me for what i write about them, but it is really their media image i am writing about and how that comes across to me.”

rocks4me: Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:52 pm
Post subject:


You are 100% correct about how I have been writing and working on my book.

Roseanne wrote:

Quote: “It's not really about them at all, but about how you see them.”

I think I am going to rewrite it and see if I cannot write it, much differently. I am still going to write about the things, which did happen, but maybe, in a completely different light and direction.

What do you think?

James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

Is there a God or not, it is a question we all would like to get an answer to? When things are going good we do not think as much about God. When things are going bad, God is the first thing we think of.

Am I losing my faith in God? The God I thought I once believed in. The God I thought I once knew or knew me. The God I love and God who loves me. How do I or anyone else know for certain God exists, without first doubting God’s existence? I have spent my entire life putting God first in my life, first in my way of putting God first. We all have an idea of what God means to us. My God may not be the same God you think of as being God. Now you may ask, why do I say that? What do I mean, “My God may not be the same God you think of as being God?”

In my case and in my life I have experienced the blessings of God and at other times in my life I feel I am living in Hell. In Hell, where I am living a never ending story that seems will never end. Right now as I sit here writing these very words I keep thinking in the back of my mind all the things I am dealing with in this present moment in time. The present moment we all experience and go through. Hear and now, the moment in time where we are breathing and seeing, hearing, feeling, everything that is going on all around us, in front of us, behind us, to the side of us, above us or below us. Life.

Life as we all know, life, to be. The life of our past, which is behind us from where we came after being born. Our life in the present, the one all of us live day to day. Then, life the one in front of us, our future, the one all of us dream about coming to pass. Wanting to get there as soon as possible. Good or Bad?

As life begins we strive to learn all that we can. Learning to recognize what we need to do in-order to communicate our needs. Learning from our past in-order to live in the present, so that we can end up in the future? Is that what life is, what God had planned, when God created us?

Once again, how do we really know there is a God? We are born, we live and we die...

I may forgive, but I will never forget...

Proverbs 10:9 (New International Version)

9 The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.

Proverbs 13:20 (New International Version)

20 He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.

What’s wrong with me?

Why do I feel I live in a different world than everybody else does or is it just me?

Why do they feel they live in a different world than I do or is it just them?

What is wrong with them?

Can we both be wrong?

Can we both be right?

Which is it is what I would like to know?

Why do I even try, every time I do, things work against me?

Why is it everyone has an answer for people who are in depression? Myself included. As if getting out of depression is a simple thing. You need to do this or you need to do that. Or try this or try that. It worked for me, so I do not see why it will not work for you.

If I knew something that would work, don’t you think by now I would have done it? I know what makes me happy, but the only problem I am unable to do it because it is just a dream. It is enough to make me want to scream! But what good would that do?

Oh well, Life goes on as they say...

Actually what I wrote a few moments ago were just mere thoughts of reaching out into the vast emptiness of time and space with the hope that an answer would come knocking on my door to save me from this mad, mad world I find myself living in daily...

Tormented day and night and night and day as if there is no tomorrow, which deep down I know there is, just like I know I will get through all of this, eventually. But it is the time in-between until those sparks of creative juices begin to flow once again and I can lift my head above water and begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Yes, I love to write, but I do not write well enough for any one to want to read what I have written, at least that is what I feel sometimes. I also know there is nothing any one of you can do but be supportive and I thank you for your comments, suggestions, and ideas of how to beat this thing called, “depression”.

Believe me I am working on it the best I know how to do it and in time I will overcome it and be back to what most people call, “normal”.

I am bi-polar, and medication has never worked for me, if anything it made the mood swings worse. I love the manic high and the energy that comes with it, it is the low’s in depression that are most difficult to deal with and get through and most of the time people do not understand or even want to understand people who are bi-polar. They cannot deal with high energy levels and they cannot deal with the low energy levels that the condition produces either.

People say that manic/depressive people are blessed and we are also cursed all at the same time. They say we are crazy or think we are crazy but when in the manic state that is when we are the most creative and get lots of things done.

What is more important I think is discussing what helps and what does not in-order to help others like me or people who have experienced the ups and downs, highs and lows of being manic/depressive. There are many other mental health conditions besides manic/depressives, but it just happens that is what I am and it is what I understand the most about.

Those of us who are bi-polar, understand other people with similar or likewise conditions, it is the rest of the world that does not, and that is why they need to be educated on the subject like what is being discussed here now presently among us as you read what I have written.

I often see my life as something that I am trapped in. I know what I want but I don't know how to get it. Trapped by circumstance with no way out or an end in sight. My problems would be nothing to some people, but for me it is a high mountain I need to climb to get over the top and once again on with my life.

I have nothing to be ashamed of with my condition, in fact, when I am in the right state of mind I envision myself in front of multitude of people discussing the “ups and downs” of being Bi-Polar to help others like me and to help others who have family and friends who are just like me.

Yes, we are in good company, there are many famous people in the present and in the past that have contributed a great many things to this world because of the gift and blessing of this condition and they too had to deal with a down side of it as well, like me.

I am thankful that I have so many people here that understand or in some cases have dealt with some of the very same or similar conditions in their life as I have. I am very thankful that Roseanne Barr even took the time to respond and reply to me and I now know she understands a great deal of what I have been going through, who also has had some form or other of depression herself.

Mental health is a subject that needs to be discussed more in-order for people to become more aware of what is involved and how people with these conditions need family and friends to understand and be more supportive. Instead of running the other way or pretending they want nothing to do with it, because they do not want to take the time to get involved, because they do not understand how a person can be depressed. When it has never happened to them or effected their well being or way of life.

I have an idea what you are thinking but for me it is more like 90 miles an hour in our speech patterns as we try to keep up with the racing thoughts and at the same time try to explain to others what we are thinking, they get exhausted trying to keep up and their first thoughts are we must be on drugs.

Yes, Roseanne Barr needs to be given a big hug and not because she is famous but because she is human and has a great soul and for making me smile and laugh at her wit, knowledge and experience in the realm of Mental Health.

When it comes to work or having a job for manic/ depressives not any job will do, it has to be a job that is of interest and is exciting and rewarding all at the same time. Some people are in the mindset if a person has a job and is working all their problems will go away. As they say I guess a little work never hurt nobody, but that is not the case with manic/depressives being forced to work at something their heart is not into, just to be working or making a living to pay the bills is not the cure all either, in my opinion.

Some people say depression is just a state of mind. Does that mean it can be turned on or off like a light switch?

No one knows who I am, so what does it matter. None of my friends have been able to help me, because they have their own problems to deal with, less well adding mine to theirs. I am just another person who has had a problem among many other millions of people just like me dealing with depression or mental health issues that needs to be addressed and spoken about in this country and people like me do not get jobs very often if we admit we have a mental health problem or have to explain why we have not worked in x amount of years.

Well there it is “I am a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!”

I would not have been so personal with letting people know my real life story, except that I feel I need to be sharing it with others. How else will anyone ever know what others like me or in similar situations are going through or have been through or experiencing what I have, unless we share our experiences, circumstances or situations of what we are going through in the present time.

Mental health is not the only subject area that needs to be addressed, it is also homelessness. Most people do not know how close they are to being homeless themselves, all it takes is a few missed pay checks and they end up on the streets too.

Thanks for all the great suggestions and ideas, now if I can just put them to practical use in the near future.

The strangest thing happened this morning, as I was waking up. A thought had occurred to me from somewhere, not a voice, but a thought. That everything I have been going through up to this point has been a test, a test of my faith to see if I would give up on God or blame God for all that I have been going through.

How could I? The word of God says to have faith, trust in God and be patient and all things will work according to His will, His purpose for us, if we put Him first in all that we do. Maybe all the things that I have experienced were to teach me HIS ways, not mine.

My Mom was very faithful (not religious) and so have I all of my life. I have things I could share about what God has done for me. We all do, and I am not alone with the stories each of us can share about what God has done for each and everyone one of us, along this path we call life.

I have had what are called manic episodes that are religious in nature, just did not know that is what they were at the time. And being bi-polar we get both manic episodes and depression. Neither is easy to deal with on a personal level for family or our friends, but our true friends will always stick by us unconditionally because they are the only family we really have.

Just like right now I do not know what today will bring, none us do. But I do know that what ever happens today has to be HIS WILL, not mine.

I am so thankful that there are so many people on RW that do care and are concerned. I feel like I am going insane and if it were not for RW, I think I would be insane. “Fear is what keeps you prisoner. Hope is what sets you free.”

(I saw the saying above, so I thought I would share it.)

The only thing to do is take life one step at a time towards a better tomorrow with no miracles in sight at the moment, but with a result yet to come soon, at least I hope so for you and for me.

When I started this tread on Depression it was started to help educate people and hopefully it has served that purpose. I did not intend for it to become so personal but it did to the point of affecting others personally and how they are dealing with depression. There have been some great suggestions as what works and what does not work. I am doing the best I can with the cards I was dealt the day I was born. The same way many others are dealing with the cards they were dealt, when they were born.

No one individual can help me and I cannot help anyone either, except to send my best wishes for him or her as they send them for me.

Blessings for one and all,

Maranatha! 1 Cor. 16:22


Footnotes: 1 Corinthians 16:22 The Greek for Come, Lord reproduces an Aramaic expression (Marana tha) used by early Christians.

(Above were some of the posts I made on Roseanne World {RW} after first becoming a member on November 15, 2006 through present time and known as the user name rocks4me).

Mental Health: Depression

“Sometimes physical problems can cause depression. But other times, symptoms of depression are part of a more complex psychiatric problem. There are several different types of depression, including: Major depressive disorder, Dysthymia, Seasonal affective disorder,Psychotic depression, Bipolar depression.”

Mental Health: Depression From WebMD

Depression: I doubt completely my ability to do anything well. It seems as though my mind has slowed down and burned out to the point of being virtually useless…. [I am] haunt[ed]… with the total, the desperate hopelessness of it all…. Others say, "It's only temporary, it will pass, you will get over it," but of course they haven't any idea of how I feel, although they are certain they do. If I can't feel, move, think or care, then what on earth is the point?"

Depression from WebMD

Depression Basics: Most people with depression never seek help, even though the majority will respond to treatment.

Treating depression is especially important because it affects you, your family, and your work. Some people with depression try to harm themselves in the mistaken belief that how they are feeling will never change. Depression is a treatable illness.

Depression Basics: From HealthCoach4me.com

Who Gets Depression?

“Although depression can make you feel alone, 16% of Americans will have it during their lifetime.

While depression can affect anyone, its effect may vary depending on your age and gender.

Women are almost twice as likely to become depressed as men. The higher risk may be due partly to hormonal changes brought on by puberty, menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy.

Men. Although their risk for depression is lower, men are more likely to go undiagnosed and less likely to seek help. They may show the typical symptoms of depression, but are more likely to be angry and hostile or to mask their condition with alcohol or drug abuse. Suicide is an especially serious risk for men with depression, who are four times more likely than women to kill themselves.

Elderly. Older people may lose loved ones and have to adjust to living alone. They may become physically ill and unable to be as active as they once were. These changes can all contribute to depression. Loved ones may attribute the signs of depression to the normal results of aging, and many older people are reluctant to talk about their symptoms. As a result, older people may not receive treatment for their depression.”

Who Gets Depression? From HealthCoach4me.com

End of "UP FROM HERE" Chapter 1: Roseanne Barr RW

Go to "Up from here" Chapter 2: In the beginning


  1. Hi James...

    Thank you for sharing this with me. Incredible. I said I wasn't a fan of Roseanne but this has definitely put a bit of a change on that... wow. I'm so glad we've met on Happs! I will continue reading on. Thanks you again.

    1. Thanks for reading, the other chappters aren't as indept that chapter one is but allot had to be explained in order for people to see and understand my condition. And I am glad we met too.



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