UPDATED: National Monthly magazine 15 AUGUST 2024


Tulelake New Times


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Still Moments

National Monthly magazine 15 AUGUST 2024

Harris took massive "advantage" from Trump

Vice President Kamala Harris, riding a surge of enthusiasm surrounding her candidacy and bringing in people uninterested in supporting either former president Donald Trump or President Joe Biden, has changed the pool of voters who will decide the November election. If trends continue in this direction, Luntz suggested, Democrats may not only win the presidency and retake the House, but also cling on to the Senate despite a lopsided map that favors Republicans.

Above picture is Glendale, Arizona, U.S., August 9, 2024. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz

"The people who were undecided have all collapsed towards Harris. The people who were weak Trump have all collapsed towards undecided. It's a broad shift," Luntz explained. The previously disenchanted voters Harris is adding to her coalition might not amount to more than a one- or two-percent change in the electoral pool. But that's enough to tip the election for Harris, he said.

203 Main Street Bench Bullies

How many more lies would Melodi McGee like to keep telling?

From false police reports to false Stalking orders to false statements in a Trespass II case?

The web some people weave as they keep digging a deeper hole legally against themselves.

"You can't take pictures of my house because I am the owner and did not give you permission. "Another false statement accusing defendant of something he did not do.

Melodi McGee is a mental case and so is her mother.

Where Melodi McGee claims defendant had contact, where it never happened. Lies and more lies and all in Melodi McGee's sick mind.

To be continued.

Related Link: What are Melodi McGee and Clyde Long hiding is the real question that needs to be answered and will be soon

Tulelake, CA— Setting the record straight

Amber Tony Ross’s daughter who works at Ross's Market during the comment section made accusations against city personal claiming they were not doing things correctly by allowing Mr. Garland to have access to records held by the city of Tulelake. Amber feels Mr. Garland is not legally entitled to them from the following as a conspiracy:

The very group of people who are against paying their back water and trash bills on time or at the rate of 10% are the very same group that are leaders of the recall effort against Randy Darrow the Mayor of Tulelake.

They are against Randy Darrow for trying to enforce people according to a new city billing policy to step up and take responsibility for their past Water and Trash Bills owed to the city of Tulelake, CA.

To be continued

Related Link: Weasel’s aplenty in the city of Tulelake, come one, and come all

Father like, Daughter

Psalms 119:11

11 Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You!

10 Commandments

5. Honor your Father and Mother.

James Garland: Why did you leave out the rest of the scripture?

What are you hiding, the fact that you did not tell your children or grandchildren what you did to their blood grandmother and refer to her as your birth mother and how you father lied to you and them.

He beat Patrick Berry to prove a point something that even Patrick Berry may not remember.

Your dad lined all us kids up standing in a row from Ted Dickinson on down. and wanted to know who tore the strap on the couch. And no one was going to confess. Knowing they would face your fathers' anger and razor strap and since I was the number one target of getting beat, as always.

A day in 1972 during the Nixon Convention.

Patrick Berry stepped up thinking more than likely his father would not beat his own son like I got beat all the time. But Joe Berry, no he didn't do it that way he beat the hell out of Patrick Berry.

He did it to fool everyone else who thought he would not beat his own son like he did me all the time. And Patrick Berry in his mind at the time thought he was saving me from a beating but instead Joe Berry beat Patrick Berry with that razor until Pat was black and blue.

I won that day, and your evil father lost that day.

That evil father YOU worshiped.

Little baby sister, Darlalu Berry J

immy Garland (Hitchcock)

Just like when I was 17 years old and got a job with Global Van Lines moving furniture across country so I could visit with you and Patrick Berry.

And when we had the lay over in Savana GA, I hitched hiked the 100 miles in 1972 to visit with the two of you and when we went to the lake for the one day I was there. And not ever water skiing in my life before that day, your evil father was determined to watch me fall off the skis and I was determined not to let it happen and I did. Your evil father did not win that day, I showed him that day and he was not happy that day either. I won that day, and your evil father lost that day.

Then the next day I left and caught the bus back to Savana, GA, then I quit the job, because the man I was working for thought a refrigerator

To be continued
JgTheBoss 102.7 fm KNTN



James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

James Garland of Tulelake New Times

321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Send sources on local and national news:
Email: tulelakenews@yahoo.com
Cell # (530) 708-7852


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