The beginning of "Simple Truth"


Tulelake New Times

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Still Moments

"Simple Truth"

“Hello Jimmy,

I forgive you for every harsh word you have said and written about me and my dad. I forgive you for all the mental abuse of calling me stupid, ignorant and calling me a fake Christian. I ask of you an apology for all the cruelness, bullying you have afflicted upon me.

I have spoken to Rick about our past and it was very helpful for me. I have no bitterness to anyone and I have let go of my past and moving forward.

Prayerfully you can find peace for your past and let go.

Until you apologize to me, I will only delete the mail. I have no use for negativity. Life is life. Bad and good stuff happens we just keep getting up and keep trucking in life until our end of the road happens.

Go in peace,


Little sister be sure and ask Rick how he was accused of molesting his granddaughter in the front seat of his pickup truck?

Did he leave that out as that is what Debbie uses over him. And the fact that Debbie left Rick for her daughter's younger girlfriend her daughters age and moved in as if they were now lovers, husband and wife. Debbie playing the husband and the much younger women being the wife.

And she left Rick for it and, but they reconciled and now live in the same house again.

Let's not forget the little detail Rick has left out of the story, now shall we?

Let's not forget the little detail Rick has left out of the story, now shall we? LMAO at an apology. Who do you think you are, God?

Laughable again at your ignorance and it shows each time you open your mouth. So how many sins have you committed that you have yet to Ask God for forgiveness from? Oh, that's right as you claimed. "You have no sin". Your own words, sinner.

Laughable again at the Fake Christian who claims she is now God himself, Father like Daughter.

Time for your meds, little sister as you are off your rocker if you think you will get an apology from me for your evil father.


And don't forget to get in touch with your older sister Cher as she may have a completely different story to tell you sinner. Time for your meds, little sister. Reality check, it makes you as crazy as Debbie and Rick. LMAO@ the sinner.

Who thinks she doesn't sin in her own words. Laughable. Let's not leave that part of the story out, either.

But since Debbie made amends with Rick, his romp in the front seat of his pickup with his granddaughter and her romp with her daughter’s younger best friend is overlooked with these great Christians claiming they are a Christian, just like YOU, sinner. Fake Christian.

Have a great day for someone claiming they are without sin and yet claims she is a Christian. Laughable and off her meds.

Reality check little sister.

To be continued

Bill Clinton: “At the end of the Cold War in 1989, America has created about 51 million new jobs. I swear, I checked this three times…”

JgTheBoss 102.7 fm KNTN


James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

James Garland of Tulelake New Times

321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Send sources on local and national news:
Cell # (530) 708-7852


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