Power Trips


Tulelake New Times


JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT 102 Klamath Falls Aug 24, 2024 Overnights Midnight to 6 AM

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT August 16th, 2024 6 AM to Noon TGIF

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Aug 13 Overnights Midnight to 6 AM

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT 102 Noon to 6 PM August 11th

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT Aug 10 2024 6 PM to 9 PM Evenings

TNT 102.7 FM with JgTheBoss, 2024, August 9th Mornings 6 AM-9 AM worldwide.

TNT in the global Classic Rock chart! 102 with JgTheBoss

JgThheBoss Worldwide TNT Mornings Aug 8, 2024 102 FM 6 AM to 9 AM Klamath Falls, Oregon.

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT 6 AM to 9 AM Mornings August 5th 6, 2024, Klamath Falls, Oregon.

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT 6 AM to 9 AM Mornings August 5th, 2024, Klamath Falls, Oregon.

JgTheBoss Worldwide TNT August 1st 2024 9 AM to Noon

Still Moments

Power Trips

I just love people who talk and say the following: “I am going to write a book about my life, someday. And they will make a movie out of it.”

Well, what is your book about and do have the book written yet? No, but I will.

Oh, I see. Humm?

This is another thing I love about want to be Christians. As the conversations progresses most of the time the first question is. “Do you know who Jesus is and have you heard of Jesus.” Most of the time this goes on and happens when these want to be Christians want to convert people to their beliefs in their church’s decorum and dogma they have been taught in the church they attend. And one of the next things they say is, “at our church we teach out the Word of God and we only teach from the Word of God. And we are the ONLY church that does that, the other churches don’t do it. Only our church teaches from the word of God.”

Then they cross the line and ask, “Were you ever born again and when did it happen”.

It’s none of your business I don’t answer to you or to your church and their theology, doctrine, dogma and decorum. I answer to my Boss, God Almighty and not YOU are nobody as no one is better than I am and I am no better than anyone else.

And for you to ask another person a question like, “Are you born again.” Is the last question you should ask after they have shared with you their religious beliefs and where they are coming from first. It is a judgmental question that is first of all none of your business to be asking it in the first place of someone you just met as if it is as you want to know so you can try and do one of two things depending on the answer, they give to you.

If they answer and they tell you they have and where and when, then you feel more relieved and feel better about yourself. The problem is you made a judgmental call about another person as to their standing in your eyes and by judging someone you have not taken the time to listen but instead want to judge them to see if they fit into your agenda and how you believe first before you go any further with the conversation to get to know the person on your first meeting them. In other words, you do this to judge as to rather or not you want to get know this person or their story about their life. And if they fit your standard of what you believe and means the most to you. So, who are you thinking about, yourself or the person you just met to size them up to see if they fit into your theology, doctrine, dogma and decorum to your way that you believe and not the way they believe because you asked a judgmental question that was none of your business in the first place but you thought it was, and was not.

To be continued

Bill Clinton: “At the end of the Cold War in 1989, America has created about 51 million new jobs. I swear, I checked this three times…”

JgTheBoss 102.7 fm KNTN



James C. Garland-a very creative, talented and unknown poor person, but rich with ideas!

James Garland of Tulelake New Times

321 N 5th Street Apt #15
Klamath Falls, OR 97601

Send sources on local and national news:
Email: tulelakenews@yahoo.com
Cell # (530) 708-7852


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